Germanwings crash could prompt remote override tech review

The head of Germany's air traffic control agency says the crash of a Germanwings jet in France last month raises the question of whether technology should be put in place allowing authorities on the ground to take control ...

Improved planning for the evacuation of buildings

A simulation software from Siemens can analyze people's behavior in emergency situations. The software known as "Crowd Control" calculates how individuals or crowds will behave and move in emergencies. The program allows ...

How prepared is your pilot to deal with an emergency?

Pilots receive extensive training on effectively handling emergency situations that may arise in the cockpit. However, during several recent highly-publicized airline incidents, the pilots neglected to apply the skills they ...

Social networking during a campus emergency

Emergencies at educational establishments are on the increase in recent years and campus officials are beginning to recognize that better communications with their students are now needed. Writing in the International Journal ...

Exoskeleton to remote-control robot

Visionary 'rocket scientists' will share their ideas on Thursday, 8 May at the TEDx RocketMinds event at ESA's operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany.

NASA image: Wildfire outbreak in far eastern Russia

According to the Voice of Russia, "As of Saturday morning, in Russia continue 103 wildfires at 27,412 hectares, including big 26 wildfires in the Far East and in Siberia. On Friday, 147 new fires began at 12,509 hectares, ...

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