Dogs, technology and the future of disaster response

Imagine a team of humans, dogs, robots and drones swooping onto the scene in the aftermath of a disaster and working together to find and rescue anyone trapped in collapsed buildings. That's the goal of a team of researchers ...

Security and privacy concerns regarding connected vehicles

( —A majority of Americans, Australians and Britons believe that connected-vehicle technology will make driving safer, but most are also concerned about security and privacy, according to a University of Michigan ...

Oversight chair questions safety at nuke dump

The head of a federal nuclear safety oversight board calls the recent truck fire and radiation release from the government's troubled nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico "near misses." And he says operations and ...

New EU cars will dial for help in case of a crash

The EU wants all new passenger cars fitted out by October 2015 with a life-saving automatic dial-up system so emergency workers can speed to the site of a crash as swiftly as possible.

Improving communication during disasters

A small armband which can be attached to the injured. An information board containing a complete visual record of events. This is technology helping to improve communications during major national disasters.

Facing disaster while averting tragedy

Nobody can foresee disaster, but changing climate conditions are prompting smart communities increasingly to prepare for them with solid emergency response plans and protocols. Images as recent as those from the 2011 wildfire ...

After the flood: Harnessing the power of mud

(—On the 60th anniversary of the 'big flood' that devastated the coastline of eastern England, new research shows that integrating 'natural' sea defences such as salt marshes with sea walls is a more sustainable ...

New Zealand: Forget Kyoto, write new climate deal

Highlighting a rift between the rich countries and emerging economies like China, New Zealand's climate minister staunchly defended his government's decision to drop out of the emissions pact for developed nations, saying ...

Study shows the reality for 'vital' Christchurch quake responders

Front-line rescue workers in Christchurch put their own needs and those of their families to one side to play a vital role during the Christchurch earthquakes and aftershocks, early results from a study into the occupational ...

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