Russia probes ISS rocket failure

Russian investigators have launched a probe into why a Soyuz rocket failed shortly after blast-off, in a major setback for Russia's beleaguered space industry.

'That was a short flight': crew of failed rocket keeps cool

Russian cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin retained an enviable sang-froid Thursday as he realised while travelling at thousands of miles an hour that his spacecraft would have to make an emergency landing.

US, Russian astronauts land safely after rocket failure

The problem came two minutes into the flight: The rocket carrying an American and a Russian to the International Space Station failed Thursday, triggering an emergency that sent their capsule into a steep, harrowing fall ...

Video: The Sentinel family

On 16 February 2016 at 18:57 CET (17:57 GMT), Sentinel-3A will be launched on top of a Rockot from the Russian Plesetsk Cosmodrome.

Slovak makers of flying car press on after crash

Slovak tech firm AeroMobil is working on a new prototype of its flying car, weeks after the vehicle of the future spread its wings and crashed during a test flight.

New technology making drones safer, smarter

Researchers at the University of Zurich have unveiled new technology enabling drones to recover stable flight from any position and land autonomously in failure situations. It will even be possible to launch drones by simply ...

Firefighters battle wild blazes in Spain

Spanish firefighters on Saturday battled forest blazes that have destroyed hundreds of hectares of parched land and forced scores of people from their homes, authorities said.

Physical by smartphone becoming real possibility

It's not a "Star Trek" tricorder, but by hooking a variety of gadgets onto a smartphone you could almost get a complete physical - without the paper gown or even a visit to the doctor's office.

Overcharging batteries eyed in Boeing 787 mishaps

It's likely that burning lithium ion batteries on two Boeing 787 Dreamliners were caused by overcharging, aviation safety and battery experts said Friday, pointing to developments in the investigation of the Boeing incidents ...

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