Embryo's cell stampede

As an embryo grows towards its final adult form, the initial fertilized egg cell must divide many times over into cells that will become specialized and form the many different tissues and organs of the body.

Conviction of disgraced SKorean scientist upheld

(AP) -- An appeals court ruled Thursday to uphold most of the fraud convictions against a South Korean scientist disgraced in a cloning scandal that shook the international scientific community.

p53 determines organ size

In studies conducted on the fruit fly, researchers at IRB Barcelona (Spain) headed by ICREA Professor Marco Milan have revealed that organs have the molecular mechanisms to control their proportions. In this process the protein ...

Not all clones the same

Despite their name, not all clones are created equal. This is especially true for the products of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), which entails the transplantation of the nucleus from a mature somatic cell, or non-reproductive ...

U-M announces its first human embryonic stem cell line

University of Michigan researchers have created the state's first human embryonic stem cell line, achieving a long-sought goal that provides the foundation for future efforts to develop innovative disease treatments.

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