Controlling self-renewal of stem cells

( -- Scientists from the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) are the first to establish a direct link between a conserved stem cell factor and the cell cycle regulation in adult stem cells. ...

A protein that can mean life or death for cells

Each cell in an organism has a sensor that measures the health of its "internal" environment. This "alarm" is found in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which is able to sense cellular stress and trigger either rescue responses ...

Study reveals how to better master stem cells' fate

( —USC scientist Qi-Long Ying and a team of researchers have long been searching for biotech's version of the fountain of youth—ways to encourage embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) to ...

Researchers Shed Light on Muscle Growth Regulator

( -- Research at the University of Cincinnati has led to the first published structure of myostatin, a protein that regulates muscle growth in animals, offering hope for major advances in the fight against muscle-wasting ...

Quality control of mitochondria as a defense against disease

Scientists from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital in Canada have discovered that two genes linked to hereditary Parkinson's disease are involved in the early-stage quality control of mitochondria. The protective ...

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