Related topics: animals · mammals

Shock treatment as Sri Lanka battles wild elephants

Sri Lanka Wednesday announced plans to substantially extend electric fencing after marauding elephants killed 375 people in the past five years and villagers retaliated by slaughtering nearly 1,200 of the beasts.

Capturing elephants from the wild shortens their lives

Humans have been capturing wild Asian elephants for more than 3,000 years, and this continues today despite the fact that the populations are declining. An international team of researchers has now analysed records of timber ...

On the frontline of India's human-elephant war

On the day Yogesh became another of the dozens of Indians trampled to death each year, the coffee plantation worker knew from the fire crackers set off nearby that danger was at hand.

Endangered pygmy elephant shot dead on Borneo

A pygmy elephant was shot dead on Borneo island after it destroyed villagers' crops, a Malaysian wildlife official said Thursday, the latest of the endangered creatures to be killed.

Practicum students unearth a mammoth ancestor

While studying ancient soils in the Bograd region, students of the Biological Institute performing a practicum in the Republic of Khakassia discovered large bone remnants that supposedly belong to the ancestor of woolly mammoths—the ...

Honeybee pheromones safely repel elephants, study finds

An organic formulation containing honeybee pheromones has been found to safely repel elephants, offering promise for a new strategy to prevent the world's largest land animals from destroying crops or causing other damage ...

Illegal ivory openly sold across Europe: study

Traders are selling illegal ivory openly across the European Union through a loophole allowing trade in "antique" items, the campaign group Avaaz charged Tuesday.

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