Related topics: elephants

Giant crackdown against wildlife crime in 92 countries

Nearly 100 countries took part in a globe-spanning crackdown on the illegal wildlife trade, seizing tons of meat, ivory, pangolin scales and timber in a monthlong bust that exposed the international reach of traffickers, ...

How to overcome fierce debates about banning all trade in ivory

Africa's elephants are under siege from rampant poaching for their ivory. Everyone agrees that Africa's elephants need protecting from the ongoing slaughter. But countries with wild elephant populations (range states) disagree ...

Asian elephants said at risk from Chinese demand for skin

A report by a British-based conservation group says rising Chinese demand for products made from elephant skin is driving poaching and posing an even greater threat to Asia's wild herds than the ivory trade.

Britain to ban ivory sales

Britain will ban sales of ivory in a bid to help preserve the world's dwindling elephant population, the government announced Tuesday.

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