Related topics: elephants

Science nabs illegal ivory sellers

A Toronto-based company has been convicted of selling illegal ivory in the first case to use a technique for dating ivory developed by a scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in collaboration with other colleagues.

China bans ivory carving imports for one year

Beijing has imposed a one-year ban on the import of ivory carvings, amid international criticism that rapidly-growing Chinese demand could push wild African elephants to extinction within a generation.

Uganda seizes massive ivory and pangolin haul

Ugandan wildlife officers have seized a huge haul of elephant ivory and pangolin scales, representing the deaths of hundreds of endangered animals, police said Sunday.

The elephant poaching business in numbers

From the pittance paid to local poachers to a multi-billion dollar industry, here are some of the key numbers related to Africa's endangered elephants:

US auctioneer fined $1.5 million for selling rhino horns

A Florida auction house owner pleaded guilty to selling illegal rhinoceros horns and elephant ivory and will pay a $1.5 million fine as well as face possible jail time, US authorities said Wednesday.

Mozambique cracks ivory poaching ring

Wildlife campaigners in Mozambique say police have cracked an ivory poaching ring believed to be responsible for the deaths of at least 39 elephants.

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