Words matter when math teachers describe student learning

Think back to math class in elementary school. Do you remember being assigned to a "high," "middle" or "low" group? If so, you'll relate to a new study from North Carolina State University on the importance of how teachers ...

3Qs: After tragedy in Newtown, what's next?

The grieving com­mu­nity of New­town, Conn., is taking its first steps toward recovery fol­lowing a deadly shooting ram­page at Sandy Hook Ele­men­tary School last Friday. In a speech Sunday evening, Pres­i­dent ...

Understanding basic concepts in spatial measurement

In a first or second grade classroom, a teacher asks students to take a ruler and measure (in inches) the length of a rectangular block. A student aligns the "0 inch" mark of the ruler with the end of the block, and counts ...

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