Power (of electronics) to the people

MIT Media Lab alumna and entrepreneur Ayah Bdeir SM '06 wants to help all people worldwide, tech savvy or not, understand and build creatively with electronics.

Nanoscale materials grow with the flow (Videos)

Imagine unloading a pile of bricks onto the ground and watching the bricks assemble themselves into a level, straight wall in only a few minutes. While merely a fantasy for builders in the everyday world, these types of self-assembled ...

Long-wavelength laser will be able to take medicine fingerprints

A laser capable of working in the terahertz range – that of long-wavelength light from the far infrared to 1 millimetre – enables the 'fingerprint' of, say, a drug to be examined better than can be done using chemical ...

Perfect skin: More touchy-feely robots

Robots could become a lot more 'sensitive' thanks to new artificial skins and sensor technologies developed by European scientists. Leading to better robotic platforms that could one day be used in industry, hospitals and ...

Lab technology brings Nobel-winning cryo-EM into sharper focus

Pioneering work by scientists at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) played a key role in the 2017 Nobel Prize in chemistry, awarded today, honoring the development of cryo-electron ...

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