How cGAS enzyme is kept bottled up

In higher organisms, detection of DNA in the cytoplasm triggers an immune reaction. The enzyme that senses "misplaced" DNA is also found in the nucleus, but nuclear DNA has no such effect. LMU researchers now report why that ...

Giant nanomachine aids the immune system

Cells that are infected by a virus or carry a carcinogenic mutation, for example, produce proteins foreign to the body. Antigenic peptides resulting from the degradation of these exogenous proteins inside the cell are loaded ...

Cryo-EM study yields new clues to chicken pox infection

Despite decades of study, exactly how herpesviruses invade our cells remains something of a mystery. Now researchers studying one herpesvirus, the varicella zoster virus (VZV) that causes chicken pox, may have found an important ...

Scientists go the distance in electron transfer study

Electron movement—what scientists call electron transfer—powers many of life's functions. For example, a good deal of the energy we derive from the foods we eat is captured by a process that removes electrons from food ...

ChipScope – a new approach to optical microscopy

For half a millennium, people have tried to enhance human vision by technical means. While the human eye is capable of recognizing features over a wide range of size, it reaches its limits when peering at objects over giant ...

Finding food security underwater

A key to solving global hunger—which is predicted to intensify during the COVID-19 pandemic—may lie in the ocean. In fact, the ocean could produce up to 75 percent more seafood than it does today, and drive sustainable ...

Scientists boost microwave signal stability a hundredfold

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have used state-of-the-art atomic clocks, advanced light detectors, and a measurement tool called a frequency comb to boost the stability of microwave ...

State-of-the-art lasers at the micro level

Many emerging technologies rely on high-quality lasers. Laser-based LiDAR sensors can provide highly accurate scans of three-dimensional spaces, and as such are crucial in applications ranging from autonomous vehicles to ...

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