Better passwords get with the beat

No password is 100% secure. There are always ways and means for those with malicious intent to hack, crack or socially engineer access to a password. Indeed, there are more and more websites and databases compromised on a ...

When noise becomes the signal

( -- European researchers have developed a new class of electronics that uses noise -- normally a problem -- as part of the signal. It means better, faster electronics.

Going plasmonic in search of faster computing, communications

( -- A team of European researchers has demonstrated some of the first commercially viable plasmonic devices, paving the way for a new era of high-speed communications and computing in which electronic and optical ...

Tiny 'MEMS' devices to filter, amplify electronic signals

( -- Researchers are developing a new class of tiny mechanical devices containing vibrating, hair-thin structures that could be used to filter electronic signals in cell phones and for other more exotic applications.

New method for detecting explosives

A group of researchers in Tennessee and Denmark has discovered a way to sensitively detect explosives based on the physical properties of their vapors. Their technology, which is currently being developed into prototype devices ...

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