New research lights the way to super-fast computers

New research published today in the journal Nature Communications, has demonstrated how glass can be manipulated to create a material that will allow computers to transfer information using light. This development could significantly ...

New SPAD control system features high efficiency, low error rate

By employing a technique analogous to the operation of noise-canceling headphones, PML researchers have created an exquisitely sensitive, semiconductor-based, single-photon detection system that has the highest reported detection ...

World record: Wireless data transmission at 100 Gbit/s

Extension of cable-based telecommunication networks requires high investments in both conurbations and rural areas. Broadband data transmission via radio relay links might help to cross rivers, motorways or nature protection ...

Graphene photodetector integrated into computer chip

The novel material graphene and its technological applications are studied at the Vienna University of Technology. Now scientists succeeded in combining graphene light detectors with semiconductor chips.

Voyager 1 spacecraft reaches interstellar space, study confirms

University of Iowa space physicist Don Gurnett says there is solid evidence that NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has become the first manmade object to reach interstellar space, more than 11 billion miles distant and 36 years ...

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