Nanotech tools open market for more miniature electronics

In order to develop ultra-miniaturised electronic components, ultra-miniaturised capacitors are required. The two-year EU-funded PICS project has developed tools that could soon lead to the mass production of high-density ...

Water pathways make fuel cells more efficient

Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) have developed a coating technique in the laboratory that could raise the efficiency of fuel cells. The PSI scientists have already applied to patent the technique, which ...

Robots put to work on e-waste

UNSW researchers have programmed industrial robots to tackle the vast array of e-waste thrown out by Australians every year.

Circuits and sensors direct from the printer

Printers are becoming more and more versatile. Now they can even print sensors and electronic components on 2D and 3D substrates. A new, robot-assisted production line allows the process to be automated.

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