Electronic Nose to Return from Space Station (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Sniffing out any potential contaminants on the International Space Station where it was stationed for the last six months, the JPL-built electronic nose, or ENose, is homeward bound.

An electronic tongue for protein analysis

(Phys.org)—Electronic noses are used to sniff out exhaust fumes and assist with quality control of foods. Less well known is the fact that equivalent devices, electronic tongues, are capable of recognizing dissolved substances. ...

The 'Nose' Knows

(PhysOrg.com) -- Some might say it's as plain as the nose on your face. But detecting toxic or dangerous chemicals in the microgravity environment of space takes a little extra "sniffing." That’s why ENose, or Electronic ...

A phone so smart it sniffs out disease

A research consortium headed by Professor Hossam Haick of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is developing a product that, when coupled with a smartphone, will be able to screen the user's breath for early detection ...

Can an artificial nose detect food spoilage?

Researchers have developed an energy-efficient computing-based chip with smell-sensing units that can detect food spoilage and provides real-time conditions continuously throughout the spoilage process. The system is described ...

Electronic nose sniffs hazards

(PhysOrg.com) -- An advanced sensor technique and data processing used to monitor air conditioning inside space stations is now being used in an innovative fire protection system for Stockholm’s metro system.

An electronic nose can tell pears and apples apart

Swedish and Spanish engineers have created a system of sensors that detects fruit odours more effectively than the human sense of smell. For now, the device can distinguish between the odorous compounds emitted by pears and ...

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