Team develops faster, higher quality 3-D camera

When Microsoft released the Kinect for Xbox in November 2010, it transformed the video game industry. The most inexpensive 3-D camera to date, the Kinect bypassed the need for joysticks and controllers by sensing the user's ...

Toy museum announces hall of fame for video games

The museum that houses the National Toy Hall of Fame announced Tuesday the creation of the World Video Game Hall of Fame to recognize the impact games like "Pong" and "Grand Theft Auto" have on culture and society.

'World of Tanks' game finds ally in 'Fury' film

"Fury" is rolling into "World of Tanks." Before the World War II tank drama reaches theaters Oct. 17, video gamers can make like Brad Pitt's character, Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier, and steer a virtual rendition of the tank ...

For gamers, waiting can be the hardest part

When it comes to video games, are they better late than never? At this week's GameStop Expo, the video game retailer's annual consumer-centric event, more than 3,000 attendees had the chance to test drive highly anticipated ...

A lack of leading ladies haunts game industry

Video game developers hyped upcoming titles featuring super-soldiers, assassins, bank robbers and secret agents at last week's Electronic Entertainment Expo. They all had one thing in common: They're men. The continued lack ...

Five cool things at E3: This year it's software

In front of the Los Angeles Convention Center this week, there's a mutant strapped to the front of a bus, signaling the beginning of the sensory barrage that is the Electronic Entertainment Expo.

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