Resetting the future of MRAM

In close collaboration with colleagues from Bochum, Germany, and the Netherlands, researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany, have developed a novel, extremely thin structure made of various magnetic materials.

An electrical switch for magnetic current

( -- A new mechanism will make it possible to switch data storage in the future. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle use a short electric pulse to change the magnetic transport ...

Graphene and 'spintronics' combo looks promising

A team of physicists has taken a big step toward the development of useful graphene spintronic devices. The physicists, from the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Science and Technology of China, present ...

Short-range scattering in quantum dots

Chinese researchers, reporting in the Journal of Applied Physics, published by the American Institute of Physics, have described a new breakthrough in understanding the way electrons travel around quantum dots. This might ...

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