Scientists simulate electron localization in real materials

Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), in collaboration with Florida State University, have developed a method to simulate electron localization in real materials including imperfections and electron-electron ...

Novel state of matter: Observation of a quantum spin liquid

A novel and rare state of matter known as a quantum spin liquid has been empirically demonstrated in a monocrystal of the compound calcium-chromium oxide by team at HZB. According to conventional understanding, a quantum ...

Revealing the nature of magnetic interactions in manganese oxide

For nearly 60 years, scientists have been trying to determine how manganese oxide (MnO) achieves its long-range magnetic order of alternating up and down electron spins. Now, a team of scientists has used their recently developed ...

Exploring phosphorene, a promising new material

Two-dimensional phosphane, a material known as phosphorene, has potential application as a material for semiconducting transistors in ever faster and more powerful computers. But there's a hitch. Many of the useful properties ...

Probing electron behaviour at the tips of nanocones

One of the ways of improving electrons manipulation is though better control over one of their inner characteristics, called spin. This approach is the object of an entire field of study, known as spintronics. Now, Richard ...

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