Graphene multiplies the power of light

Could graphene turn light to electricity? Scientists have shown that graphene can convert a single photon into multiple electrons, showing much promise for future photovoltaic devices.

Detection of single photons via quantum entanglement

Almost 200 years ago, Bavarian physicist Joseph von Fraunhofer discovered dark lines in the sun's spectrum. It was later discovered that these spectral lines can be used to infer the chemical composition and temperature of ...

Solving electron transfer

EPFL scientists have shown how a solvent can interfere with electron transfer by using unprecedented time resolution in ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy.

NMR advance brings proteins into the open

When working a cold case, smart investigators try something new. By taking a novel approach to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy – a blending of four techniques – scientists have been able to resolve a key interaction ...

How to overcome the oxide barrier

( —Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have uncovered the characteristics of a low-resistance electrical contact to strontium titanate, SrTiO3, an important prototypical oxide semiconductor. Oxides ...

Hubble sees light and dust in a nearby starburst galaxy

( —Visible as a small, sparkling hook in the dark sky, this beautiful object is known as J082354.96+280621.6, or J082354.96 for short. It is a starburst galaxy, so named because of the incredibly (and unusually) ...

X-rays capture electron 'dance'

(—The way electrons move within and between molecules, transferring energy as they go, plays an important role in many chemical and biological processes, such as the conversion of sunlight to energy in photosynthesis ...

A step forward for ultrafast spintronics

(—In spin based electronics the spin of the electron is used as a carrier of information. To meet the need for faster electronics, the speed must be increased as far as possible. Today, Uppsala physicists show ...

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