How to trick electrons to see the hidden face of crystals

The 3-D analysis of crystal structures requires a full 3-D view of the crystals. Crystals as small as powder, with edges less than one micrometer, can only be analysed with electron radiation. With electron crystallography, ...

Organic solar cells that last 10 years in space

Scientists from the Skoltech Center for Energy Science and Technology, the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, and the Department of Chemistry of MSU have presented solar cells based on conjugated polymers ...

Testing radiation resistance without using a nuclear reactor

The University of Huddersfield's combined electron microscope and ion beam accelerator is a world-class facility responsible for a large and growing global network of research collaborations. One of the latest is a partnership ...

2-D material has space vehicle applications

A new study from The Australian National University (ANU) has found a number of 2-D materials can not only withstand being sent into space, but potentially thrive in the harsh conditions.

Shedding light on the science of auroral breakups

Auroras, also known as Northern or Southern lights depending on where they occur, are natural displays of light in the Earth's sky. Typically, these lights are dimly present at night. However, sometimes, these otherwise faint ...

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