NRL instrument provides key space weather data

Data products from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) developed by the NRL Spacecraft Engineering Department and Space Science Division were officially transitioned for use in operational systems at the Air ...

CINEMA among tiny CubeSats to be launched Aug. 2

( -- Eleven tiny satellites called CubeSats will accompany a spy satellite into Earth orbit on Thursday, Aug. 2, inaugurating a new type of inexpensive, modular nanosatellite designed to piggyback aboard other NASA ...

Decoding electron dynamics

Electron motion in atoms and molecules is of fundamental importance to many physical, biological and chemical processes. Exploring electron dynamics within atoms and molecules is essential for understanding and manipulating ...

Rare earths advance search for unified theory

Rare earth elements are used in computer hard drives, electric motors and to generate and amplify the lasers at Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility (NIF). Future applications may include serving as memory for ...

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