A new and game-changing magnetoresistance

More than 150 years ago, William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, discovered the magnetoresistive effect. Today, this finding enables sensors to measure the rotational speed of a car wheel, and is also used in compass navigation ...

Study reveals new insights into sulfate-reducing bacteria

(Phys.org) —Sulfate-reducing bacteria are common in oxygen-deprived habitats, and they can have harmful industrial and health effects as well as beneficial environmental effects. This study examines the biochemical pathways ...

Photosynthesis: The last link in the chain

For almost 30 years, researchers have sought to identify a particular enzyme that is involved in regulating electron transport during photosynthesis. A team at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich has now found ...

Biofuel waste product recycled for electricity

A by-product of biofuel manufacture can power microbial fuel cells to generate electricity cheaply and efficiently, according to scientists presenting their work at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference. ...

Plant physiology: A tale of three proteins

LMU biologists have shown that "supervisor" and "motivator" proteins are required to enable a third factor to perform its function in photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis: Living laboratories

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich biologists Marcel Dann and Dario Leister have demonstrated for the first time that cyanobacteria and plants employ similar mechanisms and key proteins to regulate cyclic electron ...

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