Karma hybrid car offers earth-friendly luxury

Technology lovers stopped and stared as the world's first high-performance hybrid luxury sedan glided silently down a street outside the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

Manchester jet engine project takes FLITES

FLITES (Fibre-Laser Imaging of Gas Turbine Exhaust Species ) aims to establish a world-leading capability to map several exhaust species from aeroplanes using tomographic imaging.

New device exposes explosive vapors

Decades after the bullets have stopped flying, wars can leave behind a lingering danger: landmines that maim civilians and render land unusable for agriculture. Minefields are a humanitarian disaster throughout the world, ...

New way to produce antimatter-containing atom discovered

(PhysOrg.com) -- Physicists at the University of California, Riverside report that they have discovered a new way to create positronium, an exotic and short-lived atom that could help answer what happened to antimatter in ...

Using complex electron systems to create green materials

At the L'Aquila Summit held in July 2009, G8 nations reaffirmed the target of at least a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by 2050. They also set a target for developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas ...

Ford unveils its first all-electric car (Update)

Ford unveiled its first strictly electric car on Friday, a Focus which is expected to get up to 100 miles (160 kilometers) on a single charge and will be available in North America late this year.

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