Microbes strip power from poo

EPSRC-funded scientists have developed a process using microbes which removes the need to use electricity to process sewage at treatment plants. The microbes can also be used to produce large quantities of valuable hydrogen ...

Electrolysis method described for making 'green' iron

Anyone who has seen pictures of the giant, red-hot cauldrons in which steel is made—fed by vast amounts of carbon, and belching flame and smoke—would not be surprised to learn that steelmaking is one of the world's leading ...

Electricity sparks new life into Indonesia's corals

Cyanide fishing and rising water temperatures had decimated corals off Bali until a diver inspired by a German scientist's pioneering work on organic architecture helped develop a project now replicated worldwide.

A chance discovery may revolutionize hydrogen production

Producing hydrogen in a sustainable way is a challenge and production cost is too high. A team led by EPFL Professor Xile Hu has discovered that a molybdenum based catalyst is produced at room temperature, inexpensive and ...

Anomalous Surface Compositions of Mixed Oxides

(PhysOrg.com) -- Mixed oxide compounds are used in many fields including ceramics, catalysis, electrolysis and even pigment design. Despite the extensive applications of such mixed oxide materials, little is known about their ...

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