For better batteries, just add water

Lithium-ion batteries are now found everywhere in devices such as cellular phones and laptop computers, where they perform well. In automotive applications, however, engineers face the challenge of squeezing enough lithium-ion ...

Going platinum: New catalyst could boost cleaner fuel use

( -- Material scientists at Washington University in St. Louis have developed a technique for a bimetallic fuel cell catalyst that is efficient, robust and two to five times more effective than commercial catalysts. ...

On-the-go ultrahigh vacuum storage systems

The train to Tsukuba, Japan often carries workers with briefcases and travelers with overnight bags, but recently a group of scientists took an unusual bit of luggage on board: a suitcase with an ultrahigh vacuum chamber ...

Clay key to high-temperature supercapacitors

Clay, an abundant and cheap natural material, is a key ingredient in a supercapacitor that can operate at very high temperatures, according to Rice University researchers who have developed such a device.

Solar power storage units reduce costs of the Energiewende

The increasing share of electricity based on solar and wind power results in an increasing load of distribution and transmission grids. At the 'Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) for Electrochemical Energy Storage', the KIT demonstrates ...

Testing artificial photosynthesis

( —With the daily mean concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide having reached 400 parts-per-million for the first time in human history, the need for carbon-neutral alternatives to fossil fuel energy has never ...

Researchers develop new way to clear pollutants from water

When it comes to removing very dilute concentrations of pollutants from water, existing separation methods tend to be energy- and chemical-intensive. Now, a new method developed at MIT could provide a selective alternative ...

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