Microfluidics field aids quest for artificial photosynthesis

Researchers developed a versatile, fully integrated microfluidic test-bed to facilitate the evaluation of new catalysts and materials for electrochemical energy conversion systems without the need for expensive scale-up. ...

Solar power storage units reduce costs of the Energiewende

The increasing share of electricity based on solar and wind power results in an increasing load of distribution and transmission grids. At the 'Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) for Electrochemical Energy Storage', the KIT demonstrates ...

Study holds great promise for advancing sustainable energy

New research published by Rutgers University chemists has documented significant progress confronting one of the main challenges inhibiting widespread utilization of sustainable power: Creating a cost-effective process to ...

Toward nano-powered cars

How can electric cars increase their driving range before they need to stop and recharge? Traditional batteries cannot keep up with the high storage demand but the complete redesign of lithium ion batteries open up new possibilities

Electrochemical cell converts waste heat into electricity

Picture a device that can produce electricity using nothing but the ambient heat around it. Thanks to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science today, this scenario is a step closer – a team ...

Asian inventions dominate energy storage systems

In recent years, the number of patent applications for electrochemical energy storage technologies has soared. According to a study by the Technical University Munich, the largest volume of applications is submitted by developers ...

Controlling thermal conductivities can improve energy storage

Controlling the flow of heat through materials is important for many technologies. While materials with high and low thermal conductivities are available, materials with variable and reversible thermal conductivities are ...

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