Major breakthrough in lithium battery technology reported

An NSERC-funded lab at the University Of Waterloo has laid the groundwork for a lithium battery that can store and deliver more than three times the power of conventional lithium ion batteries.

Compound could transform energy storage for large grids

In order to power entire communities with clean energy, such as solar and wind power, a reliable backup storage system is needed to provide energy when the sun isn't shining and the wind doesn't blow.

Asian inventions dominate energy storage systems

In recent years, the number of patent applications for electrochemical energy storage technologies has soared. According to a study by the Technical University Munich, the largest volume of applications is submitted by developers ...

Controlling thermal conductivities can improve energy storage

Controlling the flow of heat through materials is important for many technologies. While materials with high and low thermal conductivities are available, materials with variable and reversible thermal conductivities are ...

Clay key to high-temperature supercapacitors

Clay, an abundant and cheap natural material, is a key ingredient in a supercapacitor that can operate at very high temperatures, according to Rice University researchers who have developed such a device.

Chunky mobile devices? Soft graphene could help you downsize

Assuming you are geeky enough to open up any mobile device on the market – a phone, tablet or laptop – the most glaringly obvious component of the device is the battery: it generally consumes up to (if not more than) ...

New analytical methodology can guide electrode optimization

Using a new analytical methodology—a coupled micro-computed X-ray tomography (MicroCT) and microfluidic-based electrochemical analysis—researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are gaining new insights ...

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