UM invention helps advance reliability of alternative energy

A University of Minnesota invention could help make storage of solar and wind energy more efficient and economical. The invention was licensed to SustainX, a leading global developer of grid-scale energy storage solutions ...

Bright is the new black: New York roofs go cool

On the hottest day of the New York City summer in 2011, a white roof covering was measured at 42 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the traditional black roof it was being compared to, according to a study including NASA scientists ...

Study: Can we balance air conditioning, saving energy?

( -- When it's 100-plus degrees outside, all you want to do is turn up the air conditioning inside. Because of all of this cooling, some government-mandated incentive programs are aimed at getting us to buy more ...

Spend a little, save a lot on utility bills

Being an early adopter isn't cheap. If you have to have the latest gadget to save money on utilities, you've already spent thousands on a solar water heater or a geothermal heat pump.

Keeping cool making Hong Kong hotter

As Hong Kong steams into summer, millions of air conditioners kick in to cool the sweltering city -- ensuring, scientists say, that the future will be even hotter.

Checklist for going solar

With the sun setting before 5 p.m., solar power may be the last thing on your mind these days. But declining panel prices ans a federal tax credit make now a good time to at least investigate whether solar power might make ...

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