Detached gecko tails dance to their own tune

Geckos and other lizards have long been known for their incredible ability to shed their tails as a decoy for predators, but little is known about the movements and what controls the tail once it separates from the lizard's ...

The pressure sensor of the Venus flytrap

All plant cells can be made to react by touch or injury. The carnivorous Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) has highly sensitive organs for this purpose: sensory hairs that register even the weakest mechanical stimuli, amplify ...

Oceanlinx celebrates wave-power unit launch in Australia

( —Oceans carry enough potential energy to make a difference. The devil is in the details. Finding a way to harness all that power had prevented wave power from being seen as a practical solution but now technologists ...

DNA origami nanoturbine sets new horizon for nanomotors

A collaborative team of researchers led by Prof. Cees Dekker at Delft University of Technology, in partnership with international colleagues, have introduced a pioneering breakthrough in the world of nanomotors—the DNA ...

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