Related topics: energy

Sci-fi no longer, NREL engineers smart homes

Thanks to TV shows such as The Jetsons and Star Trek, many Americans grew up dreaming that homes of the future would be equipped with fantastic high-tech features. From automatic food dispensers to sliding doors, to Rosie ...

Clean energy becomes a selling point

As somewhat bewildered Apple shoppers in San Francisco, New York and Toronto learned firsthand this month, Greenpeace has a new enemy: dirty data. To attract attention to its report, "How Clean Is My Cloud?" - which draws ...

Power storage buffers fluctuating solar power

Siemens has developed an energy-storage system that can act as a buffer in electrical power grids. The aim is to provide a buffer against short-term fluctuations in output from renewable energy sources. Such fluctuations ...

US probing cyber attacks on gas pipelines (Update)

A campaign of cyber attacks has been targeting US natural gas pipeline operators, officials acknowledged Tuesday, raising security concerns about vulnerabilities in key infrastructure.

Ukraine nuclear plant halts reactor as power fails

A reactor at a nuclear power station in Ukraine has been disconnected from the grid following an electrical failure but radiation levels were not elevated, authorities said on Tuesday.

UM invention helps advance reliability of alternative energy

A University of Minnesota invention could help make storage of solar and wind energy more efficient and economical. The invention was licensed to SustainX, a leading global developer of grid-scale energy storage solutions ...

IBM, partners enable smarter charging for electric vehicles

IBM announced that it has teamed with American Honda Motor Co., Inc. and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) on a new pilot project that will allow communication between electric vehicles (EVs) and the power grid. This ...

Satellite proposed to send solar power to Earth

( -- Artemis Innovation Management Solutions has been given some seed money by NASA to look deeper into a project the company first proposed last summer; namely, building a satellite that could collect energy from ...

Best marketing for renewable energies

Transmission system operators must assess precisely the supply of electricity from renewable energies for the next day in order to market this electricity on the European Power Exchange as effectively as possible. The sharply ...

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