Related topics: energy

Beware the green car 'big switch'

Charging up an electric car can put as much strain on the energy grid as a small family home. So how can we embrace this new technology while keeping an eye on sustainability?

Smart grid for electric vehicle fleet

Being able to charge up to 30 electric cars at once requires some ingenious energy management. Researchers are incorporating a mix of renewables into the design of a smart grid for Germany's largest charging station.

Dubai focuses on technology in 'smart city' bid

(AP)—After years of chasing the biggest and the best, the fast-growing Mideast city of Dubai is turning to technology to help the little things in life run more smoothly.

Smart grids to help optimizing the utilization of power grids

Germany's power grids are not yet well prepared for the current consequences of our Energiewende, wide fluctuations in the supply of electricity from renewable sources, which conflict with patterns of demand. Smart grids ...

Satellites help power grid keep its balance

Imagine a generator pumping more electricity than a nuclear power plant into the grid, but inconsistently and without the grid's caretakers being able to see what it was doing. How could they maintain the critical balance ...

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