Woven nanotube fibers turn heat into power

Invisibly small carbon nanotubes aligned as fibers and sewn into fabrics become a thermoelectric generator that can turn heat from the sun or other sources into energy.

Energy agency: End new fossil fuel supply investments

The International Energy Agency says immediate action is needed to reshape the world's energy sector in order to meet ambitious climate goals by 2050, including ending investments in new coal mines, oil and gas wells.

CO2 emissions set to surge, IEA warns

Climate-changing CO2 emissions are set to surge by the second-biggest amount in history this year as the global economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the IEA warned Tuesday, days before a major climate summit.

Report says not too late to avoid a 3 C warmer world

Australian scientists are urging the Government to accelerate Australia's transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions over the next two decades to ensure the country is cushioned from the worst impacts of climate change.

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