Related topics: solar cells

First scientific publication from data collected at NSLS-II

Just weeks after the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory, achieved first light, a team of scientists at the X-Ray Powder ...

Silver nanowires demonstrate unexpected self-healing mechanism

With its high electrical conductivity and optical transparency, indium tin oxide is one of the most widely used materials for touchscreens, plasma displays, and flexible electronics. But its rapidly escalating price has forced ...

Nanotechnology changes behavior of materials

One of the reasons solar cells are not used more widely is cost—the materials used to make them most efficient are expensive. Engineers are exploring ways to print solar cells from inks, but the devices don't work as well.

Bending—but not breaking—in search of new materials

Making a paper airplane in school used to mean trouble. Today it signals a promising discovery in materials science research that could help next-generation technology -like wearable energy storage devices- get off the ground. ...

Energy storage of the future

Personal electronics such as cell phones and laptops could get a boost from some of the lightest materials in the world.

Toward full exposure of 'active sites' for coaxial nanocables

Catalysts are of paramount importance to achieve high efficiency and economic profit for most heterogeneous reactions. Since catalytic reaction occurs only when reactants reach the active sites, these active sites must be ...

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