Tesla taps sun for free electric car fuel (Update)

Tesla on Tuesday opened the first part of what it said would be a large network of stations that will provide free charges to its electric cars courtesy of the sun.

Toyota plans expanded range of hybrids (Update)

Toyota Motor Corp. is boosting its green vehicle lineup, with plans for 21 new hybrids in the next three years, a new electric car later this year and a fuel cell vehicle by 2015 in response to growing demand for fuel efficient ...

US automakers wake up to clean cars

Clean cars create jobs. The Big Three automakers, addicted to the profits they made off big SUVs, saw economic ruin in subcompacts, hybrids and battery-powered electric vehicles. But now they're all building them.

Renault joins London wireless EV charging trial

(Phys.org) -- Renault and Qualcomm this week signed a Memorandum of Understanding that they will cooperate on work at the upcoming London trial of Qualcomm Halo Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging (WEVC) technology, an event ...

Keeping electric vehicle batteries cool

Heat can damage the batteries of electric vehicles – even just driving fast on the freeway in summer temperatures can overheat the battery. An innovative new coolant conducts heat away from the battery three times more ...

Toyota to expand eco-friendly tie-up with BMW

Toyota Motor is expanding a tie-up with Germany's BMW on hybrid and fuel-cell vehicle technology as the global automakers push further into the "green" market, a report said on Monday.

Three to a space: the folding car

If you're of a certain age - or just watch a lot of Hulu or Nick at Nite - you probably remember the folding (and flying) car from "The Jetsons."

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