Improving Plug-In Electric Cars

One of the issues that comes with plug-in autos, whether they are hybrid or straight-up electric, is the ability to charge the battery. It can be difficult to charge batteries on the go, and it can take hours recharge a car ...

Battery system for wind turbines to stabilize electricity prices

The problem with wind turbines is that they produce electricity "as the wind blows." When there are high winds, production increases and the price of electricity falls; when the wind tapers off, production decreases and the ...

Google wants to buy, sell electricity in US

Internet search giant Google is seeking government authority to buy and sell electricity in the United States, a further expansion of its operations aimed at boosting renewable energy.

Severe Space Weather

Did you know a solar flare can make your toilet stop working?

Privacy group gets NSA files on utility research

(—Files obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and provided to CNET show that the National Security Agency (NSA) under its secret Perfect Citizen program is looking at the computerized systems ...

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