Keeping the lights on in Ghana

When Ghanaian Abu Yaya wondered why his country imports all of its electroporcelain – a small but crucial component for electrical power transmission – it led to a collaboration with Cambridge materials scientist Kevin ...

First-ever GPS data release to boost space-weather science

Today, more than 16 years of space-weather data is publicly available for the first time in history. The data comes from space-weather sensors developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory on board the nation's Global Positioning ...

Getting to a zero carbon future

Avoiding the worst consequences of climate change by reducing global carbon emissions to as close to zero as possible is one of humanity's most pressing challenges. The University of California San Diego has launched the ...

How does the wind blow?

If wind were a steady, constant stream, wind energy production would be a snap. Trapping its capricious nature requires complex calculations and expert engineering. Predicting wind power requires additional twists and turns.

Meeting the electric vehicle challenge

From an environmental perspective, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (EVs) are good because they produce little to no greenhouse gases. From a driver's perspective, though, EVs can cause "range anxiety" – that is, worrying ...

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