Adequate design of electric vehicles

Which electric motor fits to which driving situation? This was the subject of the master's thesis written by Lisa Braun at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Her studies might con-tribute to optimizing electric ...

Photonics: Enabling next-generation wireless networks

Wireless transmission at microwave frequencies is important for high-data-rate transmission applications, such as mobile phone networks, satellite links and remote imaging. Now, Xianshu Luo and colleagues from the A*STAR ...

Electric transport with wind in its sails

Researchers are aiming to remove the electric car market's biggest problem – the fear of not reaching the next charging station.

Modular battery concept for short-distance traffic

Electric mobility may be economically efficient today. Battery-based electric drives can be applied efficiently in urban buses, for instance. Frequent acceleration and slow-down processes as well as a high utilization ...

Kick-starting Europe's electric vehicle industry

Electric vehicles (e-vehicles, or EVs) are set to play a key role in the future of urban mobility, reducing pollution, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels and saving drivers money. Although e-vehicles make up only a tiny ...

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