Invisible particles 'seen' for the first time

A new optical effect in nanoscale disks of silicon, namely patterns of radiation that do not emit or scatter light, has been observed by A*STAR researchers and international collaborators. These modes, which have never before ...

Minutest absolute magnetic field measurement

Every measurement is potentially prone to systematic error. The more sensitive the measurement method, the more important it is to make sure it is also accurate. This is key for example in measuring magnetic fields in state-of-the-art ...

Frustrated magnets point towards new memory

Theoretical physicists from the University of Groningen, supported by the FOM Foundation, have discovered that so-called 'frustrated magnets' can produce skyrmions, tiny magnetic vortices that may be used in memory storage. ...

Stopping molecules with a centrifuge

Does the electron possess an electric dipole moment? Will it be possible to achieve perfect control over chemical reactions between polyatomic molecules, or can one envisage quantum simulations and quantum computation with ...

Electron's shapeliness throws a curve at supersymmetry

A small band of particle-seeking scientists at Yale and Harvard has established a new benchmark for the electron's almost perfect roundness, raising doubts about certain theories that predict what lies beyond physics' reigning ...

JILA team develops 'spinning trap' to measure electron roundness

JILA researchers have developed a method of spinning electric and magnetic fields around trapped molecular ions to measure whether the ions' tiny electrons are truly round—research with major implications for future scientific ...

Reaction rate of many molecules depends on their shape

Most molecules occur in several shapes, which may behave very differently. Using a sorting machine for molecules, a German–Swiss research team can now for the first time directly measure the various reaction rates of different ...

Device physics: Simulating electronic smog

A research team from A*STAR and Samsung Electronics has developed a fast and accurate way to estimate the electromagnetic emissions from printed circuit boards that could help designers to ensure that devices meet regulatory ...

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