Small size enhances charge transfer in quantum dots

( —Quantum dots—tiny semiconductor crystals with diameters measured in billionths of a meter—have enormous potential for applications that make use of their ability to absorb or emit light and/or electric charges. ...

Novel LEDs pave the way to cheaper displays

Researchers from the universities of Bonn and Regensburg have developed a novel type of organic light-emitting diode (OLED). These lights are suitable for the design of particularly energy-efficient cheap displays, which ...

Electric transport with wind in its sails

Researchers are aiming to remove the electric car market's biggest problem – the fear of not reaching the next charging station.

Mercedes offers luxury S-Class hybrid

Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz is offering a hybrid version of its flagship S-Class luxury sedan that can drive emissions-free—and still provide the kind of pampering and power the pricey brand's wealthy customers expect.

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