Air pollution may be making us less intelligent

Not only is air pollution bad for our lungs and heart, it turns out it could actually be making us less intelligent, too. A recent study found that in elderly people living in China, long-term exposure to air pollution may ...

Baby boomers use too much energy in their homes

Many people live at home up to a ripe old age without needing much outside help. In a study conducted for the National Research Programme "Managing Energy Consumption," researchers have examined how much energy could be saved ...

Redefining knowledge of elderly people throughout history

An archaeologist from The Australian National University (ANU) is set to redefine what we know about elderly people in cultures throughout history, and dispel the myth that most people didn't live much past 40 prior to modern ...

Bicycles reacting to speed for stable cycling

A Dutch consortium including the University of Twente developed an electrical bicycle that prevents elderly people from falling. The smart assistive bicycle, called SOFIE, increases stability by via drive-off assistance and ...

How robots could bridge the elder-care gap

Despite innovations that make it easier for seniors to keep living on their own rather than moving into special facilities, most elderly people eventually need a hand with chores and other everyday activities.

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