Egg Processing Plant Carts Can Harbor Bacteria

( -- Plywood-shelved carts that are used to transport eggs into processing plants can harbor Enterobacteriaceae, according to a microbial survey conducted by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Athens, ...

Study lists world's 'forever chemical' hotspots

Dangerous concentrations of long-lingering "forever chemicals" have been found in surface and groundwater worldwide, according to a study released Tuesday that showed Australia, the United States and Europe as hotspots.

When temps rise, Japanese quail require a breeze

Tiny Japanese quail eggs are a small niche market in the United States, but they're a big business in Brazil where they are sold fresh in grocery stores in egg cartons that hold 30 of the small, speckled delicacies, and are ...

How Wolbachia bacteria controls vectors of deadly diseases

Researchers at Boston University have made discoveries that provide the foundation towards novel approaches to control insects that transmit deadly diseases such as dengue fever and malaria through their study of the Wolbachia ...

Every egg is different

Migratory birds have to allocate their resources for reproduction in an efficient way in order to commence breeding shortly after arrival. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen studied pectoral ...

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