The developmental on-switch

German researchers have demonstrated for the first time why the molecular cocktail responsible for generating stem cells works. Sox2 and Oct4 are proteins whose effect on cells resembles that of an eraser: They remove all ...

Ovastacin cuts off sperm binding

A study in The Journal of Cell Biology describes how a secreted enzyme helps egg cells avoid being fertilized by more than one sperm.

South Asia most dangerous for sea turtles: study

The waters around India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are home to the world's most endangered sea turtles, according to a study released Thursday aimed at setting a blueprint for global conservation.

Embryo's cell stampede

As an embryo grows towards its final adult form, the initial fertilized egg cell must divide many times over into cells that will become specialized and form the many different tissues and organs of the body.

Report on Loggerhead Sea Turtle Protection Project

Epson has been working with Kamogawa Sea World and the Japanese government since June 2010 in a project to help protect and preserve endangered loggerhead sea turtles. Epson developed two new types of wireless sensor modules ...

Egg Cetera #1: The immortal egg

In the first report of our Egg Cetera series on egg-related research, biologists Dr. Harry Leitch and Professor Azim Surani describe how advances in understanding egg development could transform reproductive and regenerative ...

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