Obama acts to free up spectrum to ease crunch

US President Barack Obama moved Friday to free up more broadcast spectrum used by federal agencies to help meet the surging demand from smartphones and other mobile devices.

NRC panel advises US DOD on green buildings

New recommendations by a National Research Council (NRC) expert panel on green and sustainable building performance could lead to a revolution in building science by creating the first large building performance database, ...

Urban metabolism for the urban century

Like organisms, cities need energy, water, and nutrients, and they need to dispose of wastes and byproducts in ways that are viable and sustainable over the long run. This notion of "urban metabolism" is a model for looking ...

Measuring 'the Cloud': Performance could be better

(Phys.org)—Storing information "in the Cloud" is rapidly gaining in popularity. Yet just how do these services really work? Researchers from the University of Twente's Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) ...

Researchers tap into CO2 storage potential of mine waste

It's time to economically value the greenhouse gas-trapping potential of mine waste and start making money from it, says mining engineer and geologist Michael Hitch of the University of British Columbia (UBC).

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