Probing semiconductor crystals with a sphere of light

Tohoku University researchers have developed a technique using a hollow sphere to measure the electronic and optical properties of large semiconducting crystals. The approach, published in the journal Applied Physics Express, ...

Driverless cars could increase reliance on roads

Driverless vehicles could intensify car use, reducing or even eliminating promised energy savings and environmental benefits, a study led by a University of Leeds researcher has warned.

Gaming computers offer huge, untapped energy savings potential

In the world of computer gaming, bragging rights are accorded to those who can boast of blazing-fast graphics cards, the most powerful processors, the highest-resolution monitors, and the coolest decorative lighting. They ...

Smart Data to evaluate return on retrofitting investment

Retrofitting technology could benefit the EU economy enormously. Such activities could save up to 60% of a building's energy consumption and this would translate into direct savings in energy expenditure. But energy technology ...

Virtual models to make cities greener

Making a city or district energy smart is, first and foremost, an exercise in good planning. However, such green planning tools are still in their infancy. The trouble is that every city is different, every district unique. ...

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