A flexible material that generates electricity when stressed

Researchers from Empa have developed a flexible material that generates electricity when stressed. In future, it might be used as a sensor, integrated into clothing or even implanted in the human body, for instance, to power ...

Cesium detected in the atmosphere of a hot white dwarf

By analyzing the data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) telescope, an international team of astronomers has discovered cesium in the atmosphere of a hot white dwarf known as HD 149499B. The finding, reported ...

TESS discovers Saturn-like planet orbiting an M-dwarf star

Astronomers have discovered a new giant exoplanet orbiting an M-dwarf star using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The newly detected alien world, designated TOI-5344 b is similar in size and mass to Saturn. ...

First symbiotic star detected by Gaia satellite

An international team of astronomers reports that the transient Gaia18aen discovered by ESA's Gaia spacecraft turns out to be a symbiotic star. This makes it the first symbiotic star identified by this astrometric satellite. ...

Stanford physicists make new form of matter

(Phys.org) -- Within the exotic world of macroscopic quantum effects, where fluids flow uphill, wires conduct without electrical resistance and magnets levitate, there is an even stranger family of "unconventional" phenomena. ...

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