Eel River Observatory seeks clues to watershed's future

UC Berkeley scientists will receive $4,900,000 over the next five years to study the nearly 10,000 square kilometer Eel River watershed in Northern California and how its vegetation, geology and topography affect water flow ...

Scientists prove oceanographic influences on eel recruitment

Smoked, fried or boiled - the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) has always been a popular fish in Europe. Even though people have consumed it for millennia, the origin of the eel has long been shrouded in mystery. While the ...

Dutch fishermen give vanishing eels new lease of life

On an autumn morning on a small Dutch canal, fisherman Aart van der Waal pulls up a fish trap stuffed with squirming eels—not for the pot, but as part of a bold initiative to save the critically endangered species.

A reality show with depth: Live ocean exploration

(AP)—Vicious fights! Stunning beauties! Surprises around every corner! Yes, it's reality TV but with a lot more depth—as much as 10,000 feet (3,048 meters). It's live coverage of deep-sea exploration off Nantucket and ...

Slippery eel slides towards disaster

Cupping a tiny, translucent eel in the palm of his hand, New York environmental researcher Chris Bowser shook his head in amazement. "This is worth about one dollar," he said.

New blind catfish and eel found in India

(—A research team in the southern Indian state of Kerala has discovered a new species of blind catfish living in a deep well. The newly discovered fish was named Horaglanis abdulkalami in honor of a former president ...

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