CERN meets quantum technology

Today's information and communication technology grew out of the invention and development of quantum mechanics during the last century. But, nifty as it is that billions of transistors can be packed into your smartphone ...

America losing brainpower advantage: report

The United States' ability to compete globally in science and technology is on a "perilous path," said a new report delivered Sept. 23 on Capitol Hill to a bipartisan group of policymakers, industry leaders, and academics.

Both employees and companies benefit from flexible wage systems

Research from the University of Copenhagen has revealed the effects of a decade of decentralised wage negotiations in the private sector. In an article in the Journal of Labor Economics, researchers conclude that wages have ...

SKorean moves to turn science fiction into fact

A computer screen that folds up like a pocket handkerchief, a harbour that goes out to a ship and a road which recharges electric vehicles -- it sounds like the stuff of science fiction.

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