Hunger in South Africa: Study shows 1 in 5 are at risk

Everyone is vulnerable in some way, whether it's to natural disasters, chronic diseases or hunger. But some are more at risk than others because of what they are exposed to socially, economically and environmentally. This ...

Young Australians face lifetime of labor change

With robotics and artificial intelligence causing job cuts and large-scale automation in most industries, tech-savvy young people are already preparing for rapid changes in their working lives.

How might Big Tech affect financial inclusion and stability?

New technologies and widespread internet and smart phone adoption have led to an increased availability of digital financial services, many of which are offered by non-traditional financial-service providers including so-called ...

Researchers worry about Census' gap in 2020 survey data

Researchers are worried about coronavirus-related disruptions to one of the U.S. Census Bureau's most important surveys about how Americans live, saying a gap in the 2020 data will make it more difficult to understand the ...

Myanmar moves to delay foreign telecom deals

(AP)—Foreign companies hoping to tap into one of the world's final telecom frontiers grappled with lingering political uncertainties Wednesday after Myanmar's lower house of parliament ruled that licenses for two new cellphone ...

India tech tycoon donates $2.3 bn to charity

Indian software tycoon Azim Premji said Saturday he has given $2.3 billion to an education charity that he controls, reportedly the biggest charitable donation in the country's recent history.

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