How moms are taking the lead in shaping children's education

A new global study, which takes a gender-sensitive approach, has found that a mother's educational status plays an increasingly important role in shaping their children's educational status, while the importance of the father's ...

Young men feel the most threatened by advances in women's rights

It is not the older generation but young men who have the most difficulty in accepting advances in women's rights. This has been shown by a large study from the University of Gothenburg on gender equality and sexism in Europe.

How might Big Tech affect financial inclusion and stability?

New technologies and widespread internet and smart phone adoption have led to an increased availability of digital financial services, many of which are offered by non-traditional financial-service providers including so-called ...

China's segregated school system hinders migrants

When Eli Friedman set out to write his second book, he intended to focus on the segregated education system in China and how it affected teachers' work, but quickly found that the project moved in an unexpected direction.

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