Why Curiosity matters

Adam Steltzner doesn't sound much like an ordinary engineer. 

Latest entry in tablet wars is 'kid safe'

As the tablet wars heat up, Toys R US on Monday announced it was launching its rival to the market-leading iPad, with "kid safe" content.

Digital revolution bypassing UK education

Teaching and learning in the 21st century needs to be 'turbo-charged' by educational technology rather than using technologies designed for other purposes, according to a new report developed by the Technology-Enhanced Learning ...

Many lower-skilled men find employment precarious

(PhysOrg.com) -- The U.S. unemployment rate of about 8 percent masks a far greater problem: the precarious situation of working-age men with modest education and few job skills, new analysis from the La Follette School of ...

Green 'Oakley Cluster' to double OSC computing power

Researchers using Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) resources can now conduct even more innovative academic and industrial research by accessing Ohio's newest energy-efficient, GPU-accelerated supercomputer system.

Don't know much about charter schools

Some two decades into the grand national experiment with charter schools, how much do we really know about them? Not all that much. And not nearly as much as we easily could, say researchers from the University of California, ...

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